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Regional Innovation Opportunities in Scotland

Through our partnership with Digital Divisor, we are able to access City of Glasgow Innovation funding and provide support via this scheme run by City of Glasgow Council.


As part of Traveltech for Scotland at Edinburgh Futures Institute, we quaify to work with businesses in the Tay Cities Regional Deal area, but specifically for small proof of concept projects (funded), following Traveltechs win of a contract with the Tay Cities Deal. Beyond this, we would use our standard subscriptions.


We can also access INGAME at Abertay University a gaming and VR research centre and fund small projects through this as well. In addition, we have a working relationship with Dr Alan Thompson at Dundee Business School.


Finally, we can claim up to £5,000 in innovation vouchers through the Interface program.


Find out more about Interface below and our podcast on joining Traveltech for Scotland and launching our Metaverse Playbook.



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